Welcome to Episcopal Church of the Redeemer, San Rafael

The Episcopal Church of the Redeemer is a caring community offering opportunities for spiritual growth by knowing, loving, and serving God through each other and our neighbors.

As a Christian community striving to follow Jesus Christ, we rejoice in your presence among us. Diversity is a gift of grace in Creation, and we would love to see you here. At Redeemer, we honor everyone in our tradition of "whoever you are and wherever you are on your spiritual journey, you are welcome here.”

Redeemer Church Services

All  Services 10:30 am

Morning Prayer - 1st Sunday  

Family Prayer Service - 2nd Sunday

Rite II with Communion - 3rd Sunday

Family Prayer Service - 4th Sunday


In-Person - Masks Optional 

New Family Prayer Service 10:30 to 11:00 am

The 2nd and 4th Sundays of Every Month.

Why not try an exciting new way to worship and enjoy the camaraderie of Redeemer and our neighborhood Community? 

We are delighted to announce a brand-new service for the post-pandemic world. We were excited to open our doors once again, as we have for almost 70 years here in Glenwood. After a very quiet and frankly lonely 3 years, we  debuted a special Family Service on Christmas Eve, with our beloved Redeemer Pageant, to great success! 

The Family Prayer Service continues on the second and fourth Sunday of every month from 10:30 to 11:00 am.

The 30 minute Sunday Service is kid friendly for even our wiggliest little ones, stress free for parents, engaging and interactive for those who want to participate and welcoming to all generations with or without kids.

We hope you'll join us for prayers & coffee hour after the Sunday Services with people just like you, who want to give their families a sense of belonging, instill compassion, empathy and have an opportunity to help those in our greater community who are less fortunate.

Please join us to complete your circle of caring for your family's health, education, and spirituality, while making new friends at Redeemer.

Our worship is centered on Prayer and the Eucharist. It is celebrated on Sundays at 10:30 am and on various Holy Days. "Laying on of Hands" healing is provided each Sunday at services. Communion is open to everyone who chooses to participate.



Your generous donations support Redeemer’s worship services, music, outreach programs, and more.
Thank you!



  • Altar Guild members care for the vestments, provide flowers and set up for all services
  • Lay Eucharistic Ministers carry Holy Communion to shut-ins
  • Church members serve as greeters and lectors
  • Prayer and Pastoral Care Group stays in touch with members and friends, coordinates visits, and provides meals, and transportation for our sick and homebound when needed.


  • Blessing of the Animals - Annually on the feast of St. Francis
  • Get Ready Marin - An emergency preparedness workshop put on with the City of San Rafael
  • Halloween Haunted Narthex - A favorite of the local children during trick-or-treating.
  • Ritter Center - Provide back-to-school supplies and winter coats
  • Clothing and food drives


  • Coffee Hour held after church service on Sundays
  • Women’s Book Club meets monthly to share thoughts on fiction/non-fiction books
  • Christmas tree trimming
  • Christmas Eve service inclusive of any children wishing to participate, older kids and adults as lay readers and narrators of the Christmas Story
  • Community Easter egg hunt after Easter Eucharist


We have a beautiful, well-used community labyrinth on our meadow area. We welcome you to enjoy our labyrinth and hope that walking it will aid you in your spiritual journey, whether you seek prayer, meditation, transformation, or any peaceful experience.

No rules exist for walking the labyrinth. In reality, it is a walking meditation, and since there is only one path to reach the center and the same path to reach the exit, the body can relax and the mind can be quiet.

Our History

Church of the Redeemer was organized as a mission in 1957 after the diocesean bishop purchased three acres of land in East San Rafael for a new church. The purchase included the McNear Mansion, a 10,000-square-foot home built in 1906. The first services were held in the ballroom of the house, and the priest lived on the upper floors. In 1964 a new building was constructed which now houses the church. For many years the Mansion was used for the parish house, the church office, Sunday School, and as a venue for community events. Later, parts of the house were rented to a preschool/daycare provider.

After the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake, the McNear house was sold and the church took over the privately held preschool and established Redeemer Preschool. A new school building was constructed in 1995, and the church was remodeled to add a clergy office and later a service area was added.


Miwok Indian Shell Mound

Located on land that for hundreds of generations was a Coast Miwok shellmound and sacred burial site, we continue to attend to and steward the land mindful of its role in our own growth and renewal, as a community and as a congregation. The Redeemer campus and the former McNear Mansion sit on a site once occupied by a Miwok encampment and sacred burial mound. The McNear Mansion sits atop the old burial mound and the church is located roughly where the encampment stood, above the high tide level of a bay inlet or on the banks of a stream. The mound consists mainly of shells discarded from the Miwok marine diet. During excavation for construction of the Preschool building, in the early 1990’s, two complete skeletons were carefully removed, under Miwok supervision, to be re-interred at a separate sacred burial facility maintained by the Miwok descendents. The mound was originally much taller, having been leveled somewhat for the Mansion construction.

Redeemer Preschool

Founded in 1994, Redeemer Preschool is a mission of the Episcopal Church of the Redeemer. Redeemer Preschool provides a safe and welcoming place for children to develop and grow through quality learning, supported by a community of faith that welcomes all people.

Redeemer Preschool provides a rich environment where children gain confidence and self-esteem, and a love of learning. Our program is play-based and promotes learning in all developmental areas that are specific to a child’s emergent ideas and interests. Small class sizes and low teacher-to-student ratios (no more than 1:7) give each child the opportunity to learn at their own pace and in their own style. We adhere to state and national standards in early childhood education.

Redeemer Preschool is composed of a professional team of teachers and administrators, an Advisory Council, students, and their families. We believe a child’s knowledge of self and the world grows from pleasant and meaningful learning experiences as well as cohesive communities. Redeemer Preschool provides programs, curriculum, and people that support children to succeed to their full potential, academically and in life.